Monday, December 14, 2009


This will sadly be the final show for Gloves of Metal. I would like to sincerely thank anyone who tuned-in, made a request, complained, or shared music with me over the last year-and-a-half. To celebrate, this last playlist is a return to the show's original format. All true black metal classics and/or GOM favorites.

1. Old Wainds - Wolves in White
2. Deathspell Omega - Sola Fide I
3. Amesoeurs - Bonheur Amputé
4. Drudkh - Ukranian Insurgent Army
5. Darkthrone - En Ås I Dype Skogen
6. Agalloch - Limbs
7. Nagelfar - Seelenland
8. Ulver - Capitel I: I Troldskog Faren Vild
9. Enslaved - Neogenesis

Thanks for listening.

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