Monday, December 14, 2009


This will sadly be the final show for Gloves of Metal. I would like to sincerely thank anyone who tuned-in, made a request, complained, or shared music with me over the last year-and-a-half. To celebrate, this last playlist is a return to the show's original format. All true black metal classics and/or GOM favorites.

1. Old Wainds - Wolves in White
2. Deathspell Omega - Sola Fide I
3. Amesoeurs - Bonheur Amputé
4. Drudkh - Ukranian Insurgent Army
5. Darkthrone - En Ås I Dype Skogen
6. Agalloch - Limbs
7. Nagelfar - Seelenland
8. Ulver - Capitel I: I Troldskog Faren Vild
9. Enslaved - Neogenesis

Thanks for listening.

Monday, December 7, 2009


1. Cobalt - "Arsonry" - Gin
2. Lifelover - "Lethargy" - Dekadens EP
3. Drudkh - "Everything Unsaid Before" - Microcosmos
4. Blut Aus Nord "The Cosmic Echoes of Non-Matter (Immaterial Voices of the Fathers)" - Memoria Vetusta II: Dialogue with the Stars
5. Krallice - "The Mountain" - Dimensional Bleedthrough
6. Peste Noire - "A la Mortaille!" - Ballade cuntre lo Anemi Francor
7. Enmerkar - "Scaling The Throne Of Arhemaniaus" - Starlit Passage
8. Ancestors - "II" - Ancestors II EP
9. Shining - "Vilseledda Barnasjälars Hemvist" - VI: Klagopsalmer
10. Vordr - "In Summer Fields" - Vordr MLP
11. Inferno - "Loyality of Honour" - Black Devotion
12. Absu - "13 Globes" - Absu
13. Liturgy - "Mysterium" - Renihilation

And here are some other favorite metal albums from 2009 that I wasn't able to fit on the show because either the songs are too bloody long† or I've already played them a ton this semester††:

Austere - To Lay Like Old Ashes
Nazxul - The Iconoclast
Velvet Cacoon - P aa opal Poere Pr. 33
Aluk Todolo - Finsternis
The Ruins of Beverast - The Foulest Seed of Sheltered Elite

Ash Pool - Saturns Slave 7"
Fen - Malediction Fields
Amesoeurs - Amesoeurs

Thursday, December 3, 2009

The End is Near

It's hard to believe, but there will only be two more episodes of GOM. Next week will be the 40th show and will be a special year-end edition where I play some of my favorite songs from 2009 releases.

Then for the final episode, stay tuned for the grimmest and bleakest edition of GOM ever! It is the last show after all, and I'm quite sad to see it end. But seriously, I will try to put together a special play list for this show of absolute classics. Must go out strong!

Afterwards, I hope to transform this site into a music blog. Never fear. GOM will continue in some incarnation in the future.

By the way, winter is upon us!